Saturday, May 31, 2014

Compare and Contrast Wagon Wheel

These are two of my favorite pictures from the different views from the wagon wheel. I like the first one, the entire view of the wheel, because of the lines in the photograph. I like the intersections of the lines from the wood, the wheel and the cement. I also like the positioning of the wheel in the photograph.

The second picture is similar to the first because they are both shot from the front of the wheel. However, the second picture is more close up, revealing more details about the wheel. I like the way you can see the vines twisting around the pieces of metal. I used a low aperture in order to blur the background and like the way the blurred yellow flower adds a pop of color to the shot.

My favorite of the two photographs is the second one because it is a view you might not normally see when looking at the wheel on a daily basis. It shows the smaller details and a more interesting composure than the first.


  1. Very nice photographs Liz. For me, finally understanding aperture is a huge benefit. Seems like you have it down pat! The lighting is perfect too. Not too bright or dark.

  2. Looks good Liz. I like how you didn't center the wheel in the top photo. A lot of people just take pictures of things right in the center, but you seem like you already know what you're doing :)

  3. Very well done. Both of these photographs are exceptional in their own way. They each have their own unique story. I agree with you in your choice for the second one because it is a unique perspective that not many people get to see.
