Friday, August 8, 2014


My photo story was theme based. I took photos of different people with something that is very important to them. For editing, I decided to keep the person and object in color and put the background in black and white.

Here is the link to my slideshow:

In the caption of each photo I am putting what editing tools I used.

Curves, freestyle selection, desaturate, clone, text

Freestyle select, desaturate, brightness and contrast, filter-drop shadow, gausien blur

Curves, freestyle select, desaturate

Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, clone, move

Freestyle select, desaturate, clone, levels

Freestyle select, desaturate, clone

Freestyle select, filter- unsharp mask, curves, desaturate, clone, text

Curves, freestyle select, desaturate

Curves, freestyle select, desaturate, clone

Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, brightness and contrast, fuzzy boarder filter

Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, clone

Friday, August 1, 2014


For my work with portraits I decided to venture out into the woods with one of my friends. I noticed I got the best shots when I distracted her and did not have her look directly at the camera. When she did she would stiffen up. These are my four favorites.