My photo story was theme based. I took photos of different people with something that is very important to them. For editing, I decided to keep the person and object in color and put the background in black and white.
Here is the link to my slideshow:
In the caption of each photo I am putting what editing tools I used.
Curves, freestyle selection, desaturate, clone, text |
Freestyle select, desaturate, brightness and contrast, filter-drop shadow, gausien blur |
Curves, freestyle select, desaturate |
Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, clone, move |
Freestyle select, desaturate, clone, levels |
Freestyle select, desaturate, clone |
Freestyle select, filter- unsharp mask, curves, desaturate, clone, text |
Curves, freestyle select, desaturate |
Curves, freestyle select, desaturate, clone |
Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, brightness and contrast, fuzzy boarder filter |
Levels, freestyle select, desaturate, clone |